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Sports Basement Shop Lift Pack

Sports Basement Shop Lift Pack Products

*****Please note: Please put in a 1-day time period in order for the product to display properly for purchase. *****

Get ready to hit the slopes and save with Palisades Tahoe Lift Pack Products, with exclusive discounts for Sports Basement customers!

Sports Basement Spring Ticket Trio (STT)
*Three (3) shareable lift tickets valid for all ages with zero restrictions and Basementeers save $30
*This pack can be shared amongst friends/family/coworkers

Sports Basement 4-Day Lift Packs
Unrestricted 4-day Lift Pack
*Ski or ride any 4 days this season including weekends and holidays (No Restrictions)
*Days don’t need to be consecutive, and Basementeers save $40
*This pack is valid for one (1) person

Midweek 4-day Lift Pack
*Ski or ride any 4-days midweek (Monday-Friday non-holiday)
*Days don’t have to be consecutive
*Exclusions: Not valid on Saturdays or Sundays
*This pack is valid for one (1) person

Sports Basement 2-Day Lift Pack
*Ski or ride any 2 days this season including weekends and holidays (No Restrictions)
*Days don’t need to be consecutive, and Basementeers save $30
*This pack is valid for one (1) person
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